Eric Chessen, founder of Autism Fitness, shares his journey to create effective fitness programs for neurodivergent individuals. He emphasizes the importance of understanding their unique needs and challenges as well as the role of fitness as a life skill. He states, “It’s not just for sports or body composition. A lot of our focus is to support activities in daily living.” Eric also discusses the need to raise the standard of practice in the fitness industry to better serve the autism community.
Meet Michael Maloney, Founder and CEO of LEARN Behavioral
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Michael Maloney, Founder and CEO of LEARN Behavioral, joins us to share about his early career in education and how a small consulting company grew into an organization that now provides autism services in over 17 states (23 with LEARN Academy). In this conversation, we also explore his insights about the changing landscape of services for families. Michael shares, “In the last ten to twelve years, there has been an absolute sea change. When we started, four states covered services, and now all 50 do. Parents often had to pay out of pocket, and few could afford to. The financial burden has lessened so significantly because of the growing awareness and advocacy.”
5 Back-to-School Blogs Every Parent of a Child with Autism Should Read
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Returning to school from summer break can be challenging for children, especially those with autism. In our top five back-to-school blogs, you can find information on everything from homework tips to making friendships to reducing school anxiety. The resources below will help your family to ensure your child has a successful school year ahead.
Returning to school from summer break can be overwhelming and cause anxiety for children on the autism spectrum. This blog provides practical tips for parents and caregivers to ease their child’s transition back to school, reduce stress, and promote a smoother start to the new school year.
Establishing effective homework routines can ease the transition and reduce stress for kids with autism as the school year begins. We provide actionable tips to help parents support their children in managing homework, fostering a more successful academic experience.
Many parents and caregivers worry about their children with autism making friends and how they can help them foster friendships. In this blog, we outline five practical steps you can take to support your child in developing meaningful connections with peers.
Collaboration between ABA providers and schools is crucial for delivering consistent support to children with autism across different settings. This blog explores how these partnerships enhance therapy outcomes by ensuring aligned strategies and effective communication between educators and therapists.
Consistent ABA therapy is essential for reinforcing positive behaviors and ensuring steady progress in children with autism. This blog highlights why maintaining a regular ABA therapy schedule year-round is vital to achieving long-term success in school and life.
By exploring these insightful blogs, you’ll be better equipped to support your child with autism through the challenges and triumphs of the school year. With the right tools and knowledge, you can help create an environment where your child can thrive in both school and life.
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Back To School Tips for Parents of Kids with Autism
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Jessica Sylfest is the parent of a child with Autism and ADHD and the Sr. Director of Talent Acquisition for LEARN Behavioral. Jessica’s compassion, warmth, and learned wisdom are great offerings to all parents as we transition our kids back to school. There are a lot of specific strategies shared when navigating an IEP and how to establish good communication with your child’s team. As Jessica said, “I think there is such value in sharing experiences and sharing things that are going well and things that are a struggle. You really never stop preparing. It’s just perpetual communication, planning with the school and with the other resources in our lives.”
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Understanding Your ABA Provider’s Partnership with Schools
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As parents, we always want the best for our children. That’s especially true when it comes to their education and development.
For parents of children with autism, finding the right support system is crucial. A key part is the partnership between your applied behavior analysis (ABA) provider and your child’s school.
This partnership is important for your child’s treatment and Individualized Education Program (IEP). Here’s what you should know.
Why Is an ABA Partnership with My Child’s School Important?
Collaboration: ABA providers and schools work together to help your child develop. This partnership makes it easy to switch between therapy sessions and school.
Consistency: By working in tandem, ABA providers and schools can create a consistent learning experience for your child. Consistency in ABA therapy reinforces targeted skills and behaviors. That leads to improved progress.
Alignment with your child’s treatment: ABA providers and schools help make sure your child’s education goals match their treatment plan. This means that the strategies and interventions at school match the ones used in ABA therapy.
How Does This Partnership Benefit My Child’s IEP?
Goal-setting: ABA providers work with schools to set goals that are meaningful and achievable for your child’s IEP. We create goals to help your child improve in communication, social skills, and academics.
Progress monitoring: ABA providers often talk to school staff to check how your child is doing with their IEP goals. By collaborating, we can share data and make sure interventions work in both places.
Behavioral support: ABA providers help school staff use behavior strategies from your child’s IEP. This support helps the school team handle challenging behaviors and create a welcoming learning environment.
Dispelling Misconceptions: The Partnership Is Not Competitive
It is important for parents to understand that the partnership between ABA providers and schools is not competitive. Instead, we base it on mutual support and shared goals. Here’s why:
Complementary roles: ABA providers and school staff have different roles, but they both help your child develop. ABA providers focus on intensive therapy and individualized interventions. Schools provide a broader educational environment. Both work together to create a comprehensive support system.
Information exchange: Regular communication between ABA providers and schools allows for valuable information exchange. ABA providers can report how your child is doing, and schools can tell you how they’re performing in school and with other students and school staff. This two-way communication strengthens the partnership and makes sure everyone involved is on the same page.
Advocacy: ABA providers often act as advocates for your child within the school system. They work with school staff to understand and help your child with their specific needs. This advocacy promotes a positive and inclusive educational experience for your child.
The partnership between your child’s ABA provider and school is important for their education and growth.
By working together, we can ensure that your child’s treatment is consistent and effective. Parents can contribute to their child’s success by communicating openly. Ultimately, this sets children with autism up for success in school and life.
To learn more about ABA therapy and school, visit our website.
Reducing Back to School Anxiety
Getting ready for the new school year can be a hectic and exciting time. For children with autism (and their parents), all this change can feel overwhelming.
Here are some suggestions for how to help ease your child’s back-to-school anxieties:
Get a sneak peak
Scope out the school and classroom in advance. If your child is going into a new classroom, visit it at least once before the first day of school. If transition has been a struggle in the past, consider taking as much time as your child needs to explore the classroom. Make it as much fun as possible, playing in each of the new areas.
Check out seat assignments
For older children, ask the teacher if a seat assignment has been made. Do some enjoyable activities in that seat. If familiar classmates will be in the room, show where they will be sitting, too.
Rehearse new activities
Find out from the teacher what new activities are planned. Then, prepare your child by performing, practicing, and talking about them. This rehearsal will reduce anxiety when the new activities come up in the first week of school.
Anticipate sensory overload
The noise and chaos of a typical classroom can sometimes be a bit much to handle. Establish a plan for what to do in this situation – perhaps there is a quiet room where your child can “take a break” for a short time.
Volunteer in the classroom
Most teachers welcome assistance from parents. Your presence may be a source of comfort to your child during those challenging first weeks.
Going to school can pose many challenges for children with autism, as well as countless opportunities for building crucial social, language, and academic skills. Be positive and encouraging, and your child will be off to a great year!
For more information about education rights, visit the Know Your Rights section of our Autism Journey Map.