
Discovering an Unmet Need
Michael Maloney, the founder and CEO of LEARN Behavioral, grew up helping his mom, a public school teacher in Massachusetts, decorate her classroom bulletin boards. Later, when he worked in education himself, he discovered something important: kids with learning differences weren’t getting the individualized attention and support they needed. Over-challenged, under-challenged, left out completely, these kids had a broad spectrum of needs—the top one being a need for a tailored approach. From there, the seeds of LEARN Behavioral began to germinate and sprout.
Nurturing Potential in Kids with Autism
Today, LEARN specializes in using evidence-based, contemporary applied behavior analysis (ABA) to deliver tailored treatment to the unique needs of individual children and young adults with autism. Our personalization is our advantage—made possible by our clinical insights refined through more than 20 years of serving the autism community, along with data and insights amassed from treating more than 20,000 clients. Currently, we provide individualized therapy across 17 states—and counting. Our mission is straightforward: to find success for every child in our care.

Teaming Up to Give Our Clients an Advantage
Too often, ABA providers worked in silos. Often removed from the evolving research, individual BCBAs hold the weight of the world on their shoulders, attempting to manage scheduling; health insurance benefits and claims; hiring, training, and supervising behavior technicians—a HUGE amount of responsibility that interfered with their ability to help kids and families.
So, we asked ourselves: Can we do better? What if we pooled resources and teamed up to remove some of the workload, while providing training and professional development opportunities that not only kept clinicians engaged but also allowed them to collaborate with a community of intellectually curious and devoted practitioners at the forefront of their field? What if we brought together talented clinical leaders from across the country with different perspectives and experiences to share clinical best practices and insights? What if we continuously look for ways to deliver better clinical services to our clients and better support to our clinicians?
The result is the LEARN Behavioral we know today, a collective group of professionals committed to providing the best treatment possible. Made up of some of the most established autism treatment providers in the country, our collective team includes Autism Spectrum Therapies (AST), the Wisconsin Early Autism Project (WEAP), Behavioral Concepts (BCI), and others. We offer your child and family the community, convenience, and familiarity of local services, with the advantages of a national organization leading the way in autism treatment—and helping kids make progress every day.
Wait, There’s More!
While LEARN Behavioral specializes in autism treatment, another part of our organization, LEARN Academy, provides personalized learning and educational programs to kids and teens with special needs. Our Academy programs range from academic interventions and professional development to school-within-a-school alternative programs that meet the needs of at-risk learners. Our goals are similar to what we do in LEARN Behavioral: cater to every student’s unique challenge.
Looking for a partner for your school? Visit LEARN Academy.

Mission: To find success for every child with autism in our care.
Vision: To be the most admired organization providing contemporary, compassionate, and collaborative care to communities from coast-to-coast.
Have Questions?
Not sure where to go for help? Questioning whether your child needs ABA therapy? Reach out, and let’s chat.
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