Person-Centered ABA
LEARN Values Person-Centered ABA & Neurodiversity
Centering care around the person being treated is not a new concept – Edith Balint talked about Patient-Centered Care in 1969, calling for medical staff to “understand the patient as a unique human being.” Out of this model grew Person-Centered Care, in which the person being served is viewed as a whole person, not simply viewed through the lens of their role as a patient.
In May 2021, we brought together a group of clinical leaders to form the Person-Centered ABA Workgroup and convened a council of neurodivergent staff to form our Neurodivergent Advisory Committee. Together, the groups review and give feedback on matters relating to neurodiversity and other person-centered ABA topics.
*The Neurodivergent Advisory Committee is compensated for their time.

LEARN aspires to practice Person-Centered ABA, an endeavor that includes: