By Laura Squiccimara, BCBA, MS Assistant Clinical Director, Northeast Region, Behavioral Concepts (BCI) Are you dreading the upcoming summer break because you worry about your child not having enough to... 5 Simple and Fun Imaginary Play Ideas for Kids with Autism this Summer
Parents of special needs children worldwide are struggling with the prospect of engaging the minds and bodies of their children through the ongoing summer of Covid-19. For children with autism,... Keep Your Child with Autism Engaged This Summer
...and celebrate. To help with the planning, here are a few great resources: Autism Speaks: Stepping Up to Summertime Fun! Tips for a Happy and Healthy Summer! National... SUMMERTIME FUN AND SAFETY
As the summer heat settles in, many families head to pools, beaches grow crowded, and our time spent near water becomes part of our routines. What seems like a standard... 4 Steps to Swim Safety for Your Child with Autism
...summer break be a great opportunity to continue your child’s learning and growth. While summer can […] Building Social Skills During Summer Summer is a few short weeks away! The... Blog
...from summer to back-to-school — it can be anxiety-provoking. The sudden shift from a relaxed summer schedule to a structured school routine can be overwhelming. However, maintaining a consistent daily... The Importance of Sticking to Consistent ABA Therapy
...strategies—and see what works best for you and your child. For non-screen alternatives to summer fun, read “How to Keep Your Child with Autism Engaged this Summer.” References How to Handle Screen Time with Your Child with Autism
Returning to school from summer break can be challenging for children, especially those with autism. In our top five back-to-school blogs, you can find information on everything from homework tips... 5 Back-to-School Blogs Every Parent of a Child with Autism Should Read
...a moment. This summer, I’ll go to the zoo and water park with my family. We’ll get outdoors and do some of the things we couldn’t do last summer because... A Special Mother’s Day Interview with Becky Schoenfeldt